Annulment and divorce are two ways of ending a marriage, important to understand what an annulment is as opposed to a divorce. An annulment is where one, or both, parties in the marriage declare that there were factors present at the time of marriage that prevented the marriage from being valid whereas, a divorce is a valid marriage that has broken down due to circumstances that arose after becoming married. In the eyes of the law having an annulment makes it as if the marriage never happened however, if you want to have your marriage annulled there are some conditions that the marriage must satisfy.
In order for the courts to allow you to annul your marriage, the marriage must satisfy one or more of the following conditions:
As with anything that is life changing, there are pros and cons, and an annulment is no different. One of the main advantages of an annulment is that legally it makes it as if the marriage never happened. This can also be useful religiously because in some religions there are complex stipulations for persons who are divorced to remarry. For this reason a lot of people prefer to get an annulment instead of divorce.
The problem with getting an annulment is that it can sometimes be very difficult to prove that there are grounds for one and according to Costa Rican law you only have a limited amount of time to make your claim. The other unsavory aspect of an annulment is the effect that it could have on children. It is one thing for them to understand their parent’s relationship has broken down, it is an additional burden for them to understand the their parent’s relationship was ‘fake’.
Any sort of family break-up is unpleasant but to avoid unnecessary heart ache it is worth seeking independent legal advice and acting as soon as possible.
Law Office of Meléndez and Bonilla
3335 10th Avenue
Avenue 10 between Calles 33 and 35
100 meters south and 250 meters east from Casa Italia
Adjacent to the Venezuelan Embassy
Barrio Francisco Peralta
San José, Costa Rica
Local Telephone: (011) (506) 2224-2800
Toll freeTelephone (US and Canada): 1-800-378-7542
8:00-5:00 Central American Time (GMT -6 or EST -1)